Corned Beef:

I don’t use the pink stuff I get the salt-peter used for gunpowder. — it is much, much cheaper and the same stuff. — This may pose a danger — Label it and don’t use this for regular salt it can kill you. That is why people stress using the pink stuff so you can tell the difference. — And, pink Himalayan salt is NOT the same.  Also, don’t read about it on the internet, it will freak you out! You can leave this out but it will NOT be the same. It will be that bland crap you buy at the store.

Crush all whole seeds in a mortar and Pestle. Not fully, just crush them down to about 1/4 of original size. — yes, you will completely crush some of it. — no worries. Put the water and spices in a Turkey fryer pot and heat, (you can start heating water beforehand and you can use hot tap water) stirring frequently, until it boils. Cool this liquid, using a gallon by size of ice. (I just dump the entire ice bucket in the pot) Place in fridge until cold. It is important that the brine is cold or at least cool before it comes in contact with the meat.

Important: test brine by putting an egg in the cool liquid, if it floats you are good if not then add more salt until it floats but if you followed the recipe above it should be good.
Place the meat and liquid in the fridge. For the entire brining process you want the meat to be completely submerged and surrounded with the brine. Each day (after the first few days when the meat stops floating, you can switch to a couple or three days between) , flip the meat over shuffle them around, top to bottom. You may want to get a large container and place by the Turkey fryer to put some of the meat in so you can stir it better. After a month or so, (can be as little as a week) remove from the brine, save the seasonings, If freezing pop a piece in a bag with seasonings and freeze — good for a year or two maybe more depending on how well you get it sealed up. If you want some fresh now just continue to the cooking below. You can always bring it over and use my sealer.

Soak in cool water, this part is up to you. You can just rinse it and get some salty meat or soak it a couple hours or overnight changing the water a few times to get it to a lower salt content. If you are adventurous try it without any soaking — it will be very salty (a different experience) cooking veggies with it calms it down a bit.
When removing from freezer soak as above then cook as you normally would a corned beef.
I like to put it in a crock pot, put water in 3/4 of the way up the meat add a peeled and halved onion. Cook for 4-6 hrs. Add cut up veggies, Taters, carrots, onion, celery. Add water to cover veggies. Cook for 2 more hours, add sliced cabbage, cook for 1-2 more hours as you see fit.

For Rubins: Cool the meat (ice box cold) then slice it otherwise it falls apart.

I've been prefecting this reciepe for a few years now. Rember, nothing is set in stone except that you need enough salt in the brine to float an egg and put the mean in the cold brine don't rush it. If you don't have Juniper berries, no problem. keep going. Also all ingredients are available on Amazon. Just gather all ingredients ahead of time a week or so. That way there are no surprises.